Standards: IS 9669, IS : 2720 (PART XVI)
The CBR test is extensively used in the selection of the materials and sub-grade controls. It can be performed in the lab on prepared samples or in-situ on the location.
The Laboratory California Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus from the SE-Test Laboratories consists of the following:
- 50kn (5000 kg) Capacity of Load Frame with 3 Speeds.
- 150mm ID x 175mm high mould.
- A Perforated Base Plate for 150mm ID x 50mm high Extension Collar.
- A 50 mm face dia Penetration Piston
- For Penetration Dial Gauge an adjustable Bracket is available.
- A Circular Metal Spacer Disc with the detachable handle of 148 mm dia x 47.7 mm high time.
- An annular Metal Weight of 2.5 kg with 147mm dia with a central hole of 53 mm dia.
- A perforated Metal Weight of 2.5 kg. with 147mm dia with 53mm dia soft
- A Perforated Plate of 148mm dia with adjustable stem and lock nut.
- A Metal Tripod for Dial Gauge.
- A Cutting Collar.
- A Rammer of 2.6kg with 310mm controlled drop.
- A Rammer of 4.9kg with 450mm controlled drop.
- A Proving Ring with 50 KN capacities.
- A Dial Gauge of 25 mm travel with 0.01mm least count Optional
- An Annular Metal Weight of 5 kg with 147mm dia and the central hole of 53 mm dia.
- A Slotted Metal Weight of 5 kg with 147mm dia with 53mm dia slot.
Note: Digital CBR Testing Machine is also available.